

The only proven alternative method to liposuction.

We can treat most areas including: inner thighs, bat wings, bra bulges, stomach, side flanks.

Also known as fat freezing, sounds too good to be true, we know.

This treatment is fantastic for the stubborn fat that you just cant budge, I am not going to lie, this is not for huge areas of fat loss but ideal for the stubborn small pockets of fat that no amount of exercise can shift.

Minimum of 3 sessions is required 4 weeks apart, best results are 4-8 weeks after first treatment, therefore plan ahead for holidays or special occasions.


Can I have my tummy and arms done at the same time?

Absolutely! You can work on 3 different areas as long as the cups that are used can stay in place. Even two people can come at once and share the cups, perfect for a catch up with a friend, sorry no wine, but strong water is permitted!

What is the downtime?

Some people experience a slight bruising on some areas, most have a numb sensation for a small period of time, this normally vanishes within an hour.
As this treatment is non invasive there is no-downtime.

What is the aftercare?

Cryolipolysis works by freezing the fat cells causing them to crystalise, break down the fat and flush naturally through your lymphatic system, therefore plenty of water is needed to flush out the waste. We do advise clients, as with any form of diet or exercise, that they refrain from drinking alcohol and stick to a healthy diet for best results.


1 area, 1 cup £75 per session
2 areas/cups £130 per session
3 areas/cups £160 per session

Why not bring a friend and share the cost?


Results may vary, as they are dependant on a number of factors, such as age, medical history and lifestyle